
Service Programs

Jesus taught, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. . .whatever you did for one of these least of mine, you did for me” Mt. 25:31-38

In light of this teaching, the Archdiocese of St. Louis requires that all students in our Catholic high schools participate in works of charity and service as part of their graduation requirement. Rosati-Kain provides a Christian Service Program as an expression of our identity in Christ, as an Archdiocesan school, and according to the four core values given by our founding orders, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and School Sisters of Notre Dame:

Humilitas – We listen to God’s call, we recognize that everything we are is a gift from God, and we embrace God’s call in our lives.
Virtus – We pursue good and always give the best of ourselves.
Scientia – We use the gift of intellect and life experiences which transform and empower us
Caritas – We celebrate God’s unconditional love living in and through us.Requirements (per year)


Requirements (per year)

Freshmen: 15 hours
Sophomores: 25 hours
Juniors/Seniors: 60 hours + Capstone Reflection
Total Graduation Requirement: 100 hours

*Class of 2022 Seniors will need to have 75 hours between July 2020 and Oct. 29, 2021

*Class of 2023 will need to have 65 hours between July 2021 and Oct. 28, 2022


Students may meet their service requirements in a variety of ways. Service may include volunteer assistance in their home, neighborhood, school, or parish. Hours may be verified by parents or appropriate supervising persons. The school offers many opportunities for service, outreach, and formation including volunteering at events and taking on leadership roles in prayer, community, and outreach. 

You may download more information here.