Spring Sports
Head Coach: Raymond Moylan
Assistant Coaches: John Harry Wagner and Sophie Fox
Starts Monday, March 3rd
Practice: 3:45 - 5:30pm @Bishop DuBourg High School
Address: 5850 Eichelberger St. Louis, Mo 63109
Link to Coach Moylan's practice calender is here.
All health forms need to be turned in to Coach Soell (Athletic Director) before athletes can practice. If you played a Fall or Winter Sport, you should be all set.
Head Coach: Lindsey Haeberlin
Assistant Coach: Alexis Reese
Practices begin Monday, March 3rd: 3:30-5:30 at Emerson Central Fields #1
Thurs. March 27 @Clayton 5:45
Tues. April 1 @Bishop DuBourg 5:00
Thurs. April 3 @Bayless 4:30
Thurs. April 10 vs. Veritas Christian @Forest Park Central Fields #1 4:30
Fri. April 11 @Ritenour 4:00
Mon. April 14 vs. North County Senior @Forest Park Central Fields #4 4:15
Hancock Tournament @Heine Meine Fields
- Tues. April 22 vs. Lutheran North 4:30
- Wed. April 23 vs. Hancock 6:30
- Thurs. April 24 vs. McCluer 4:30
Tues. April 29 vs. MICDS @Forest Park Central Fields #1 4:30
Thurs. May 1 @Whitfield 4:30
Mon. May 5 vs. Miller Career Academy @Forest Park Central Fields #1 4:30
Tues. May 6 vs. McKinley @Forest Park Central Fields #1 4:30 (Senior Night)
Fri. May 9 @ Cardinal Ritter Prep 4:30
Tues. May 13 @Roosevelt 4:30
**All practices and home games will be played in Forest Park on the Emerson Central Fields #1 except for the game on 4/14 which will be played on Field #4