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Jaymis Davis has assumed the position as Rosati-Kain Academy's new Director of Admissions. Ms. Davis holds a Masters in Professional Counseling and has extensive...Read more
2023 Summer Sports Camps at Rosati-Kain Academy
Are you a middle school girl who is looking to improve your athletic skills or you just want to try a sport you have...Read more
RKA School Picnic Sunday July 30th
The D ad's O f R osati- K ain S tudents (or D.O.R.K.S as we affectionately call them, are hosting a back to school...Read more
Trip to the Arch!

Friday May 5, Sophomores started the day at UMSL for Chemisty Career Day! They were able to see a Chem Magic Show and visit labs demonstrating various aspects of Chemistry. They then visited the St. Louis Arch to take the Ride to the Top, visit the museum, and learn about the engineering and architecture of this STL Landmark! We love making the city our campus!!