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Jaymis Davis has assumed the position as Rosati-Kain Academy's new Director of Admissions. Ms. Davis holds a Masters in Professional Counseling and has extensive...Read more
2023 Summer Sports Camps at Rosati-Kain Academy
Are you a middle school girl who is looking to improve your athletic skills or you just want to try a sport you have...Read more
RKA School Picnic Sunday July 30th
The D ad's O f R osati- K ain S tudents (or D.O.R.K.S as we affectionately call them, are hosting a back to school...Read more
ACC Physics Takes a Hot Air Balloon Ride!

A few weeks ago our ACC Physics and AP Calculus classes took a hot air balloon ride!! At the beginning of the semester, ACC Physics was tasked with designing and engineering miniature hot air balloons. Dr Goodwin challenged them that if they could get their balloons to lift, they could get a ride in a real hot air balloon!!